These courses are taught in order to acquire vocabulary, expressions and general knowledge of the area of work performed.



We are all aware of the fact that the universal language that is applied in all professional areas of any South American country is English. Knowing how to express yourself in English is essential for the communication of the people involved.

If we focus on the kitchen and restaurant area, where national and international customers are directly part of the public that receives the service, the workers of the place, especially the waiters, need to know the basic expressions in English of how to take an order, serve their customers, understand what they request, respond courteously to their concerns, among other things to serve them in the best possible way so that they can be satisfied with their service.

For places located in the tourist sector, most of the clients are foreigners, and they need to be served in English since they do not speak Spanish.  Although the waiter does not know the language well, he may be able to maintain a basic conversation with the client by knowing the most used words and phrases in his field.

You will learn vocabulary related to the area of ​​restaurants and drinks, take an order in English, describe the food that your business offers, and use of basic expressions, but they can help you enormously when talking to tourists who enter your business.



English is a universal language that is spoken anywhere in the world, when talking about the tourism sector, we are basically focusing on all the people who work as tour guides or those who offer accommodation, tours, or professional services that involve communication with the tourist in English.

For these people, speaking English becomes a necessity rather than an optional activity since it directly influences communication with international tourists who come to Ecuador from different countries. It is important that despite not knowing English grammar and the language itself in depth, tour guides and workers in the tourism area know how to express themselves and maintain a conversation during the tourist’s trip or stay.

Using the basic expressions and the appropriate vocabulary can greatly help the understanding of the guide’s explanation about a place, giving directions or referring places to tourists.

Most tour guides already speak English, here you can focus on the practice of topics related to your work area, such as receiving a tourist and taking him to the hotel, what kind of questions you can ask during a trip, the most used expressions in this field of work, how to provide a better service so that the tourist can return.



As we know, English is the universal language in the world, so is it for business. Wherever tourists go, they always expect to find a person who can help them by communicating in English before any other language.

Providing security to tourists goes far beyond giving information and keeping them protected. It also involves fluent communication about a place they are visiting, providing help in case of an emergency, kindness when answering a question from the tourist, giving directions in an understandable way, among other things.

In all of this, the language with which they communicate their ideas is the key for the tourist to understand what they are saying.

The members of the tourist police play an important role in citizenship, expressing themselves in English with the tourist would increase their visits, as well as it would greatly influence their professional performance. Knowing basic expressions in the language can help them in difficult situations that usually happen in the daily life of tourists.