We have conversation classes according to the level you are studying. You need to have basic knowledge of the language to be able to access these classes. Now, we offer you some examples of what topics you can deal with in the Speaking levels.



In this course, you will learn to express yourself in basic conversations related to the family, professional and social environments, such as:

1. Presentations

Before you meet another person, it is a good idea to introduce yourself. You can introduce yourself to a person you have never seen before or maybe you have already seen, but who does not remember you.

2. Universal Topics

There are universal topics that most people share. Things like the weather, news, sports, and entertainment are safe topics, especially if you are talking in a group. For example, if one person in the group doesn’t like sports, another might like them.

3. How did it go?

If you don’t know what to talk about or don’t have anything interesting to say, you can just talk about your day or ask the other person how their day went. Try to maintain a balance between speaking and listening. In that way, you and the other person will have a chance to talk.

4. Work

Some conversations are only appropriate in a work setting. In these cases, you should avoid personal topics and gossip. On the other hand, it is fine to talk about your day, an upcoming meeting, or maybe your job.

5. Remarks

Some of the best conversations are about the elements of the environment. Since it is something everyone shares, you do not have to worry about the other person not knowing what you are talking about. Make a comment about something around you. You can also look at the other person and give them a small compliment. There is nothing better than receiving good compliments!

6. Common interests

Common interests are one of the best topics for casual conversation. Find a mutual friend or an interest you share with the other person, and you will have something to talk about. Keep in mind that English speakers don’t use the word “hobby” very often. That means asking, “What are your hobbies?” sounds quite strange. Try asking questions based on observations.

7. Questions

A good way to start a conversation is by making comments followed by questions. In that way, you avoid the chat ending with your comment and things getting even more awkward!




At this level, you will practice the language and learn to express yourself better on topics such as the following:

1. Technology, computers and the internet

Internet impact on people, technology news, use of social networks or most used apps.

2. Consumption and purchases

Online shopping, changes in purchasing habits or the impact of advertising.

3. Politics and finance

Current news, corruption, changes in laws, economic situations or problems.

4. Research and innovation

Ethical implications of cloning, use of genetics to solve problems or robotics.

5. Medicine

Advances in medicine, traditional medicine vs. alternative medicine or rare disease research.

6. Television and media

Current affairs programs on television or radio, situations of the press or use of digital content vs. TV.

7. Education

Educational reforms, resources to learn languages, who is responsible for the education of children or the importance of certain subjects in the school agenda.

8. Environment and nature

Pollution, climate change, global warming, recycling or Greenpeace


You need to have an extensive vocabulary for this level since the topics covered in this course are controversial, they require students to apply all the structures learned, you will also reinforce your pronunciation and learn expressions according to the topic covered. Classes deal with topics such as:

  1. Video games are a waste of time.
  2. Smartphones have made our lives easier.
  3. Animals should not be used for medical research.
  4. Marriage is outdated.
  5. Countries should have curfews after midnight
  6. Torture can be considered depending on certain circumstances
  7. Schools should prohibit religion classes
  8. Weapons must be banned